ሰላም ጤና ይስጥልኝ ተመልካቾቼ ሳምንታዊው ቴክ ቶክ ዊዝ ሰለሞን የአዲሱ ሲዝን 10 ከአጭር የእረፍት ቆይታ አድርጌ ተመልሷል። በዚህ የመክፈቻ ፕሮግራም ላይ በዕረፍት ላይ እያለሁ ከተከሰቱ በርካታ አዳዲስ ነገሮች መካከል ጥቂቶቹን አስቃኛችኋለሁ። Amazon Go ሂሳብ ተቀባይ ግሮሰሪ፣ የፓስታ መላክ በDrone፣ ነጂ አልባው የከባድ ጭነት መኪና፣ አረንጓዴው ሃይል፣ የጠፈር ምንጠቃ ከአውሮፕላን ላይ፣ ከበሮ አልባው ከበሮ ጥቂቶቹ ናቸው። መልካም ቆይታ፣ ለሌሎችም ያካፍሉ!
Greetings folks! My weekly show has returned with Season 10 after a short break. In this season opener show, I will cover latest topics that had happened while I was on break. Some of the topics are - Amazon Go, Drone Delivery, Driverless truck, Renewable energy, rocket space launch from an airplane, the drummerless drum. Enjoy and share!
Greetings folks! My weekly show has returned with Season 10 after a short break. In this season opener show, I will cover latest topics that had happened while I was on break. Some of the topics are - Amazon Go, Drone Delivery, Driverless truck, Renewable energy, rocket space launch from an airplane, the drummerless drum. Enjoy and share!
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- Science & Technology